計画地 :東京都文京区
用途 :個人住宅
構造 :RC造3階建
住宅の 住み手 と 住み方 について再考しようと考えた。戸建住宅であっても住み手の環境変化によって、住宅の住み方も変化する。その変化に対応できるように、3名の家族が戸建住宅に住むのではなく、3名の住人が共同生活を行う都市型住宅として設計した。この家の中には、箱が9 つあり、箱の中を出たり入ったり。まるで建物の中に小さな町が存在するような家を目指した。
[The space between buildings is equal to between rooms]
I tried to consider person who live and how to live in a residence. As the person who lives in the residence grows older , he changes how to live. This residence is not for a family for three , for three habitants . This is the urban type residence for their community life. This residence has nine boxes. They frequently go in and out of the boxes. This is like a town.
This house has a lot of slits. The slits connect inside with outside. The sequence of the slits leads the urban characteristic in this house. The slits consists of two
operations which are cut into nine boxes and slide. The habitants obtain the urban characteristic , sences of neighbors and surrounding environments.Because they can open and shut the slits by little doors, furniture and curtains, they can adjust themselves to their surroundings.